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Flexible, share financial innovation is the future solution.
In order to make this happen the shares & one or more assets are combined to extinguish the loan at a future date

Conventon says one debt one asset is more risky than one debt and two assets,
One or both the assets can grow faster than one to extinguish the loan



Our Story

ABS was one of the earliest leaders in zero bond funding, securitisation, off-balance sheet, non-recourse, non-bank financing.
These financial facilities are going to expand with the further demise & turmoil in world politics. 
Traceability in insurance and the banking sectors are being squeezed tighter by reserve bank & taxation governance.
There are very few companies with general partners able to make fast and simple non-recourse share loans to small & large capitalized listed companies.
The expertise of the General Partners extends from managing US$2M to 200M plus shares or having traded $30M or more shares on a regular basis. Others are highly skilled in structuring and able to facilitate borrower requirements.

Our Vision

The banks are a dying breed and so are the under capitalized securitization brokers. 
Most borrowers do not want to face credit, due diligence nor provide audit reports.
ABS is turning share financing into a practical “take & walk” financing facility.
So long as the interest is paid, the shares rise & dividends are paid very little can happen. Otherwise the final destiny is no talking, walk away and not a word more is said.
Share financing provides an innovative risk management, accounting & investment program for debt replacement and the creation of new leveraged assets.
Foundation & significant shareholders of medium capitalized companies can unlock their wealth.
They can buy any asset they wish, anywhere in the world without approval.
Likewise, the cash rich - can buy shares and enjoy an ABS share loan; (i) manages their tax reporting (ii) the lifestyles (iii) knowing that the shares may rise, pay higher dividends than cash and  (iv) grow in value together with any other asset (v) there are no other expenses or parties to consider.

Who we are?

We are no different to you. We are all General Partners much like knights of the round table with a mission to achieve ABS’s crusade. 


Enjoi’s crusade is to deliver an innovative, flexible financial & investment program that limits the losses and allows the maximum gains to accrue free of bankers! 


We are all different with multiple skills but we all have in common a valuation for privacy, a happy healthy lifestyle, culture, education, peace and prosperity. 

About Us
home partners

Brian Joffe

Brian services the influential families and founding shareholders that he personally knows and has been active in the Australian and Asian securities markets over the last 30 years.


+61 0467 963 642​


Anthony Lewis

Details profile coming

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Steven Leslie Horton

Started ABS in financing corporates, government bodies & banks in ways few bankers were familiar with. He is offering his skills now to utilise non-recourse funds to own assets that can later reduce or payout the loan.

+61 0419 555565​
Hong Kong:
+852 9681 6831

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        Rufus Chau

Details profile coming


What We Offer






  • $1M to 100M against unrestricted small & large capitalisation stocks

  • There no need for providing a set of audited accounts.

  • The owner proves ownership & unrestricted stock.

  • A Letter of offer is issued 2 business days.

  • The Borrower’s lawyer confirm the Borrower understands the Loan Agreement.

  • A  Stock Broking & Custodian Account for the shares & funds are opened.   

  • The Custodian confirms they have the cleared shares. 

  • The trustee will begin to transfer funds  against delivery of shares in tranches.


  • The funds can be used by the borrower for their own purposes.

  • The share dividends, reporting, voting remain in name of borrower.

  • The Loan is not reported to any authority.

  • In the event of default, no authority except for the share registry will know..


  • Innovation requires sustainable & responsible actions.

  • Unlocking the equity in the shares by Share Financing - provides the cash to make that strategic investment or change in your life.

  • Share financing can become a replacement for Equity being a cash component.

  • Shares that are listed on any one of 16 exchanges enable the investors liquidity.

  • Leveraging high dividend paying shares can partially or cover all of the interest on the loan.

  • Few loans have two assets growing to pay down the loan or have the debt hedged.

  • This is a safer and an easier way for parents of international students to borrow and buy a home.

  • The strategy of buying & leveraging dividend producing shares can be used in many new ways to foster the ownership of assets that diminish in value such as cars, trucks and factory equipment. 


  • Founding shareholder who cannot unlock their investments in the companies they create without losing control, having voting rights & tax issues can utilise this finance program.

  • High net worth families living in Asia can buy shares on any one of the 16 exchanges to enable them to borrow funds for projects in the countries of choice and have a natural hedge in the currency of the debt.

  • This is a safer and an easier way for parents of international students to borrow and buy a home in the country of study.

  • Likewise, it is a long-term strategy for a young couple to buy a home that do not have a full set of accounts nor personal incomes in a foreign country.

  • There are a lot of instances where beneficiaries of trusts cannot sell the assets without replacing the asset.

  • There are companies not able to obtain receivable funding in the traditional capital markets of the country they are operating in. Share financing can supply the equity to allow them to participate in securities off balance sheet e.g a receivable programme.


  • The owner must prove they own 100% of the issued shares.

  • The shares cannot be restricted by any share or corporate agreements.

  • So long as the volume of shares secured are traded regularly on the exchange.

  • The number of trades per day in the stock is sufficient to sell a large proportion of the stock being financed.?

  • The company is showing a strong balance sheet and possibly paying dividends.

  • The quantity of shares is well below 15% of the issued stock. 

  • The stock is well supported by research and index funds.

  • The investor evaluates professionally their risks and solutions for any Top-up. 

Non-Bank, Off Balance Sheet, No Colateralisation ​& No Guarantees

  • Asset Backed Securities (ABS) has the ability to quickly fund large loans for professional borrowers that own listed shares. ​
    The borrower can be a trustee for a trust, fund manager, corporate body, high new Individuals. Often they foundation shareholders, families that are long term shareholders or directors not wanting to loose control and are fully aware of non-recourse share financing. ​

  • ABS does not discriminate as margin lenders do on lending only to the TOP 100 Stocks of the exchange LVR 65%​

  • TOP 101 - 200 Stocks  LVR 50%​

  • TOP 201-500  to be approved LVR 35%

ABS lends to those companies that are capitalised generally over US$500M and where the company has;

  1. A strong analyst support

  2. In a market sector that has sustainable iupside

  3. Is relatively free of political risks,

  4. Has a strong balance sheet with good earnings profile,

  5. Dividends are being paid or about to be paid,

  6. Traded at least 1 to 3 times daily & or weekly the volume of shares being a part of the security,

  7. The company has strong institutional support or competitor interest

  8. The company is expanding and has strong market support.

The Share Owner being Capitalized agrees to the contract​

  • The contemplated high risk investment would not be made, but for Investor (party advancing funds) having the right to strict enforcement of all of terms of the Agreement, including, without limitation, the Capital Recipient’s limitation of rights and remedies inuring to Investor’s benefit; and​

  • The contemplated high risk transaction (“Transaction”) would not be made but for Investor being able to rely upon Capital Recipient’s serious commitment.



Our Address

Mr. Steven Leslie Horton

Orrong Crescent, 
Caulfield North, 3161, 
Melbourne, Australia.

Our Email

Our Phone No.

Aust Mob:+61 0419555565


Hong Kong Mob:+852-96816831

General Partners are in London & Singapore,we are seeking more General Partners.

Thanks for submitting!

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